An editorial by Karen Hughes, Web/Social Media at POA


My heart goes out to you. I lost my leg above the knee to cancer when I was just 13 years old, and have known the fear and despair you must feeling as you look down at your missing limb(s) and think, “what kind of life am I going to have now?”  If I could, I’d visit each and every one of you in your hospital rooms, wrap my arms around you and your loved ones and let you know that it’s going to be ok. You are alive. You are loved. You will recover. You are not alone.

Close your eyes and feel the support of our nation’s people–both able bodied and differently abled–united in prayer and hope for your success.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and confused as you navigate the challenges of learning to live your life with prosthetic limbs, reach out to to the incredibly supportive community of people living with limb loss. There are stories and articles available on the internet which provide useful information, as well as social media websites like the Amputee Coalition’s Facebook Page and Empowering Amputees, which offer encouragement and peer support.

Take a deep breath and know that when you stand and take your first steps, you will not be alone. The entire nation has your back, and we won’t let you fall.  And remember this; the only limits you have are the ones that you set for yourself.  You’ve got this.   Video link: You Are Not Alone: Amputees Living Full and Active Lives

With all my love, prayers and hope for your successful recovery,


mabio-worlds Mabio Costa – paratriathlete