Pictured in the upper left-hand corner of this Amputee Coalition of America ad are two POA “heroes.” John Class, who dedicates himself to assisting amputees from all over the world, sharing information and helping them get the best prosthetic care possible. Many of the people who have reached out to John have been helped here at POA. One such person is Hernan Perilla, a school teacher in Colombia. We fit him with new prosthetic legs and upon his return home Hernan organized and now directs a program to assist disabled people in his country with their needs. You can read more about Hernan in the Client Stories section of our website–>>https://poa-hawaii.com/case-studies/hernan-perrilla/ #noboundaries #poaproud John Have your own amputee hero? The ACA invites you to write an article and submit it to them for possible publication in their In Motion magazine.
