Young Girl With Prosthetic Leg Looking In Mirror

There are some draft policy changes in Medicare which could seriously jeopardize our ability to provide you with the high quality prosthetic care you all deserve. 

In the healthcare industry, Medicare policy often drives what products and services are available to people. We believe that the current proposed policy changes for Lower Limb Prosthetics would create unreasonable hurdles to your ability to receive quality prosthetic limbs that meet your needs.

Please take a few minutes to read and electronically sign a “We the People” petition to the Obama Administration to rescind the Medicare proposal restricting access to prosthetic limbs. The petition is accessible at In addition, please encourage colleagues, friends and family to do so as well. If we can reach 100,000 signatures, we will force the White House to weigh in on this vitally important issue. 

We also suggest that you review and electronically sign a letter drafted by the American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association which you can access at Your signed letter would be sent to  [email protected] as well as to your Congressional representatives to alert them of the situation. 

Thank you in advance for your time and attention to this very critical matter.