Zoe Gibbs, BK – Back on her feet with eyes focused on the future!, 5/1/2012
In April 2011, Zoe Gibbs, age 14, lost her leg below the knee in a horrific accident involving the collision of two jet skis. After enduring and recovering from 11 surgeries in the past year, Zoe is eager to reclaim her life as an active teenager. Last week she took her first steps back to independence on her prosthetic leg. With eyes fully focused on the future, the sky’s the
Amy Purdy featured on ABC’s “Nightline,” 3/16/12
Amy Purdy was recently featured on ABC’s “Nightline.” They did an excellent job of telling her incredible story of loss, acceptance, triumph and how she helps others with disabilities. We are proud to be a part of Amy’s team! Double-Amputee Snowboarder Rules Slopes
“How to Control a Prosthesis With Your Mind,” IEEE Spectrum Magazine, 3/2012 edition
Imagine a piece of technology that would let you control your prosthesis simply by thinking about it… Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley are working to develop technology that could actually make that possible! read IEEE Spectrum article –>
Adaptive Climbing Clinic in New York City, March 15 & 16, 2012
Ronnie Dickson will be instructing an Adaptive Climbing Clinic in New York City on March 15th and 16th. It’s open to people of all ages and physical disabilities…. check it out if you live in the area!