“Walking Tall,” an article by Roger Simon on Creators.com

Roger Simon–writer, commentator and the chief political columnist of Politico–shared his personal POA experience and observations in a thoughtfully written article, “Walking Tall,” on Creators.com.   Thank you for your kind words, Roger! Click here to read article Roger, a bilateral BK/Symes amputee, has been a POA patient since 2010, a year after losing his legs to a severe blood infection.

Former NFL Player Reggie Williams, “The problem of paying the bills,” Washington Post, 5/10/2013

Former NFL player Reggie Williams, who now lives in Orlando, was recently at POA to work with Stan and Steve and have his orthopedic device needs reassessed. The Washington Post featured Reggie in an article yesterday, chronicling the health problems which stem from his playing career. (POA patients will recognize Simba’s favorite–not–skeleton in the photo below.)   Click here to read Washingston Post article

Z Flies! Her Amphibian Air Adventure

POA’s “Z” (bilateral above knee amputee) shared the following video link and message: “Special thanks to everyone at POA–especially Stan Patterson–for giving me my ‘wings!’ Without sockets which fit comfortably and securely I would not have been able to experience this great adventure, as well as many other things able-bodied people take for granted. With a strong spirit and great team, all things are possible!” Z Flies

Steve Chamberland/50Legs.org Helps Amputee Children

Steve Chamberland of 50Legs.org teamed with POA to provide some of the funding for prosthetic care of these 5 lovely little ladies! 50Legs.org is a non-profit organization which Steve, a former pro wrestler and below-knee amputee, established to provide funding for prosthetic care for children in need.  You can read more about Steve and his wonderful organization by visiting 50Legs.org (website) or the 50Legs Facebook page.