“Walking Tall,” an article by Roger Simon on Creators.com

Roger Simon–writer, commentator and the chief political columnist of Politico–shared his personal POA experience and observations in a thoughtfully written article, “Walking Tall,” on Creators.com.   Thank you for your kind words, Roger! Click here to read article Roger, a bilateral BK/Symes amputee, has been a POA patient since 2010, a year after losing his legs to a severe blood infection.

The Power of having a Positive Self-Perception, 4/25/2012

Oftentimes, when you have a disability others will put limitations on you, telling you, even in a nice way, what you can’t do. My response to that has always been, “You can’t tell me that. “ And then I’m determined to prove them wrong.”I’ll show you!” It’s actually been very motivational for me, and at times, just the nudge I need! The following story illustrates this point, and the power

We’re Moving!

POA is pleased to announce that we will soon be moving from our current location to a new 22,000 sq. ft. facility! The new office is just next door, so no need to reset your GPS! Some remodeling of the new space is under way and we will be moved in by March 1st! We have simply outgrown our current office, so in order to provide the best possible service

New Product! Otto Bock Triton Harmony® (Vacuum) Prosthetic Foot

We have successfully fit several BK patients at POA with this new technology, including Jean Law, a bi-lateral amputee. The main features of the foot are the lightweight integrated vacuum pump and shock absorbing/rotation functionality. Says, Jean, “It feels very light, comfortable and natural; not stiff at the ankle like other prosthetic feet….and I don’t have to use a manual pump!” These are very exciting times in the prosthetic industry;

“A Day Among Giants,” CAF San Diego Triathlon Challenge (SDTC) 10/23/2011

Every once in a while you are blessed with a special day when you experience something so moving, inspiring and powerful that it takes your breath away. Such was the case when I attended the San Diego Triathlon Challenge (SDTC) fundraiser event in La Jolla, California this past weekend. So, you might be wondering, who are these giants I speak of? Since Bill Walton was in attendance at many of

Summer Airport Travel Tips to Save You Some Time… and Money!

Any prosthetic related equipment packed in your luggage is considered a medical device, and you will not have to pay a baggage check fee at the airport. Just let the agent know you have prosthetic equipment in your luggage when checking in. Also, if your are packing any equipment in your carry-on luggage, it’s wise to put it in a separate bag labeled “prosthetic supplies” and take it out before

Heat + Humidity = “Summer Sweat Syndrome!” — Here’s Some Relief for Amputees

Even the best fitting prosthetic limb can become uncomfortable when you are in a hot and humid environment for an extended length of time. I recently discovered that some prescription strength antiperspirant products had become available over-the-counter, so I gave them a try. Certain Dri antiperspirant (roll-on version), and Secret Clincal Strength antipersirant/deodorant are the two I tested. I prefer the Certain Dri; you apply it to your limb before