Meet Hernan Knob of Colombia, and read his incredible story of survival, 10/23/2013

The time was 3:30 am on June 5, 1993, in Pereira, Colombia. Hernan Knob, then a 22-year-old college student, had just finished a shift at a popular night club when he heard a knock at the door. As Hernan turned the knob and opened the door he was met by a blinding light and tremendous explosion. What happened next  forever changed the path of his life. A LITTLE HISTORY OF

Helpful Information re ADA, Disability Benefits & Returning to Driving after Amputation in current issue of Amputee Coalition’s inMotion Magazine

There is some excellent advice and answers to important questions about ADA & Employment, Qualifying for Medical Benefits, and Getting Back Behind the Wheel after amputation in the September/October 2012 edition of inMotion magazine. Check it out! Click here to for link and location of articles on the Amputee Coalition publications web page.

Mabio tries out an anti-gravity treadmill, 6/21/12

During a visit to a re-hab facility yesterday, Mabio, a POA employee and below knee amputee, was given an opportunity to try running on a Zero Gravity treadmill which had just been delivered to the facility. It was originally designed by NASA to help astronauts train for zero gravity conditions. Mabio said it felt like he was “running in water or air” -it was effortless. This technology is now being

New Product! Otto Bock Triton Harmony® (Vacuum) Prosthetic Foot

We have successfully fit several BK patients at POA with this new technology, including Jean Law, a bi-lateral amputee. The main features of the foot are the lightweight integrated vacuum pump and shock absorbing/rotation functionality. Says, Jean, “It feels very light, comfortable and natural; not stiff at the ankle like other prosthetic feet….and I don’t have to use a manual pump!” These are very exciting times in the prosthetic industry;

“A Day Among Giants,” CAF San Diego Triathlon Challenge (SDTC) 10/23/2011

Every once in a while you are blessed with a special day when you experience something so moving, inspiring and powerful that it takes your breath away. Such was the case when I attended the San Diego Triathlon Challenge (SDTC) fundraiser event in La Jolla, California this past weekend. So, you might be wondering, who are these giants I speak of? Since Bill Walton was in attendance at many of