Kent Solheim in Huffington Post article, “Green Berets Overcome Loss of Limbs and Look To Help Others Do The Same,” 5/26/2013

POA’s Kent Solheim took part in this years’ Warrior 100 Bike Ride, an event hosted by former president George W. Bush at his ranch to honor wounded veterans. Kent remains on active duty as an amputee. We thank him for his continued service to our country and people, and his strong commitment to the families of fallen Special Ops soldiers. Kent is involved with a non-profit group called The Chatham

“Walking Tall,” an article by Roger Simon on

Roger Simon–writer, commentator and the chief political columnist of Politico–shared his personal POA experience and observations in a thoughtfully written article, “Walking Tall,” on   Thank you for your kind words, Roger! Click here to read article Roger, a bilateral BK/Symes amputee, has been a POA patient since 2010, a year after losing his legs to a severe blood infection.

Z Flies! Her Amphibian Air Adventure

POA’s “Z” (bilateral above knee amputee) shared the following video link and message: “Special thanks to everyone at POA–especially Stan Patterson–for giving me my ‘wings!’ Without sockets which fit comfortably and securely I would not have been able to experience this great adventure, as well as many other things able-bodied people take for granted. With a strong spirit and great team, all things are possible!” Z Flies

Congratulations on running your first 5K race, Carla!!, 2/22/2013

High fives and hugs going out to Carla, who finished her First 5K – the 2013 Gasparilla Classic in Tampa, FL!!!! “I ran my first 5K today with no pain, no leg falling off and no issues whatsoever!,” exclaims Carla. “Ran it in 37min 05sec, and could have done better if it wasn’t so crowded.”  Love this girl….and her attitude! Carla trained hard for this after being fit with her