POA’s Josh Olson, Hip Disarticulate Amputee, will represent U.S. in Paralympics, 8/13/2012

POA’s Josh Olson, a hip disarticulate amputee, is representing Team USA in shooting at the Paralympic Games. Josh is the first ever active duty service member to be nominated to the Team.  POA’s NPS hip disarticulate prosthetic system, also known as “the Olson socket,” was developed for Josh by Stan Patterson in response to a request from Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital. The following video link shows Josh preparing for

A surprise for Cameron, 8/8/2012

10-year-old Cameron hasn’t had a lot of good breaks in the past few years. Diagnosed with cancer at the age of 8, he underwent an above knee amputation and extensive chemotherapy to save his life. We met Cameron a few months ago when he and his mom visited our office to see if we could fit him with a leg that would allow him to be more comfortable, ride his

Team POA represents at the USA Triathlon Florida Region Paratriathlon Camp, July 13-15, 2012

Three of our POA patients – Ellie, MeiMei and Gustavo, participated in the USA Triathlon Florida Region Paratriathlon Camp held in Orlando July 13-15, 2012. POA’s Mabio Costa, an accomplished paratriathlete, was a guest speaker at the Camp. He was there to offer encouragement and provide inspiration to the challenged athletes in attendance. Way to go, Team POA!

Anthony Burruto breaks records in USA Powerlifting Competition!

POA patient Amazzzzzing Anthony Burruto, a bilateral AK/BK amputee, competed against able-bodied athletes in the USAPL (USAPOWERLIFTING) competition. He entered into the Varsity & the Junior 16&17’s divisions. Not only did Anthony perform well, he broke both records, set new ones, and was awarded two Gold medals and a trophy!! Needless to say, there is already talk about the 2016 Paralympics in Rio!

POA’s “Z,” a bilateral above-knee amputee, featured in Freedom Innovations video, 6/27/12

Although born without legs, “Z” has never considered herself disabled. She learned to walk, run, and eventually compete with other athletes, never doubting her ability to take part in any activity she chose to do. Freedom Innovations recently featured “Z” in a video, doing what she does best, which happens to be anything she puts her mind to! Bilateral Amputee Z “You can have anything you want if you are

POA video Patient Profile on Laura Ortiz, BK Amputee, 6/28/2012

Amputee * Triathlete * Warrior — Laura Ortiz of Miami, Florida is all these things and more. She is an example of how the power of determination and persistence can help you triumph over the difficulties life can throw at you. Whether you are a new amputee learning to walk with your prosthesis, or setting your sights on running or participating in the sport of triathlon, Laura’s spirit and personal