Welcome, Caleb!

Caleb Rivera, age 21, lost his leg above the knee to osteosarcoma (bone cancer)  15 years ago. He never felt comfortable in the prosthetic limbs he was fit with over the years, and they were not durable enough for his active life. Frustrated, Caleb traded his prosthesis for crutches, and for four years that’s how he walked…..until a few weeks ago. A chance meeting between Caleb’s pastor and a POA

We’re Moving!

POA is pleased to announce that we will soon be moving from our current location to a new 22,000 sq. ft. facility! The new office is just next door, so no need to reset your GPS! Some remodeling of the new space is under way and we will be moved in by March 1st! We have simply outgrown our current office, so in order to provide the best possible service

New Product! Otto Bock Triton Harmony® (Vacuum) Prosthetic Foot

We have successfully fit several BK patients at POA with this new technology, including Jean Law, a bi-lateral amputee. The main features of the foot are the lightweight integrated vacuum pump and shock absorbing/rotation functionality. Says, Jean, “It feels very light, comfortable and natural; not stiff at the ankle like other prosthetic feet….and I don’t have to use a manual pump!” These are very exciting times in the prosthetic industry;

Ronnie Dickson’s Red River Canyon Climbing Trip, 12/2011

Here’s a few photos from POA’s Ronnie “Spider Man” Dickson during a recent climbing trip to Red River Gorge, a canyon system on the Red River in east-central Kentucky. This canyon system features an abundance of sandstone cliffs, rock shelters, waterfalls and natural bridges, making it one of the world’s most popular and challenging climbing destinations. Ronnie, an above-knee amputee, makes it look easy!

POA’s Bree McMahon Gives Water Skiing a Try!, 11/26/2011

The McMahon family has much to be thankful for this holiday season. Last weekend they celebrated yet another “first” for Bree since the 2009 accident that resulted in the amputation of one leg above the knee and almost took the other — she waterskied with a special prosthetic leg adapted for use in the water! And of course, in true Bree style, she got up on her first try! Congratulations,

“Bree McMahon’s Comeback Story Moves to College,” Orlando Sentinel, 11/6/2011

POA’s Bree McMahon continues to inspire and win the hearts of everyone she meets. Two years after the high school soccer star lost her leg above the knee in a horrific accident, an Orlando Sentinel looks at how far she’s come – from being near death in the hospital to being back on the soccer field and training with a prosthetic leg. Click here to read the entire Orlando Sentinel

“A Day Among Giants,” CAF San Diego Triathlon Challenge (SDTC) 10/23/2011

Every once in a while you are blessed with a special day when you experience something so moving, inspiring and powerful that it takes your breath away. Such was the case when I attended the San Diego Triathlon Challenge (SDTC) fundraiser event in La Jolla, California this past weekend. So, you might be wondering, who are these giants I speak of? Since Bill Walton was in attendance at many of