We met Bree six years ago, just a few weeks after the tragic accident that resulted in the amputation of one leg above the knee, and severe injuries to the other. Bree, sitting up in her hospital bed, eyes bright with curiosity and determination, clutched a bright green soccer shoe while we explained the prosthetic fitting process. “I need to be able to wear this shoe,” she explained. “I have a scholarship to play soccer in college, so I have to get back in shape as soon as possible.” Although we knew it would be difficult for an above-knee amputee to compete and participate in college level soccer, there was something in Bree’s eyes that told us, if anyone can do it, it’s her. So, from hospital room to prosthetic leg fittings, to working out and strength training, Bree fought back. The next year, Brevard College honored the scholoarship they had awarded her before the accident. Not one to sit on the sidelines, Bree practiced with the team every day. She even played in a couple of the games. She has a passion for coaching, and enjoys volunteering her time and skills at Nubability, a non-profi camp for amputees. Since graduating from college Bree continues to work in the world of her beloved soccer, as an assistant coach at Mars Hill University. #noboundaries #poa #prosthetics #amputee #adaptive

Bree McMahon from Scott O'Leary on Vimeo.