
Fifty-nine-year-old Mark Daignault lost his leg below the knee in 1981 as the result of a motorcycle accident. For 26 years he suffered pain and sores, only able to walk short distances with a cane before sitting down to rest. “All that time I believed that this agony was an amputee’s way of life,” says Mark. “I did not realize that all the pain and sores were due simply to old technology; after all, I thought I was seeing the best prosthetic providers I could find.”

It was by chance that Mark found himself at POA. His long-time prosthetist had passed away and he needed a part for his leg. “Upon my first conversation with Stan he indicated to me that he’d build me a leg that would change my life,” Mark remembered. “He also told me that my sores would go away. I took those statements with a grain of salt, but want you to know that everything he promised me has come true.”

“I have not experienced a single sore since being fitted with that prosthesis, seven years ago. I now truly enjoy playing my favorite sport of golf without getting exhausted after just nine holes. I can play 18, 27, 36 holes of golf without effort and am ready the next morning to go right back out and play again. I even played 47 holes the other day, a feat two-legged golfers don’t even attempt. Chores around my home that I used to dread are now simple. I can literally walk forever without pain and I have no idea where all my canes are. There really isn’t anything I cannot accomplish now.”

“The atmosphere of the POA office, because of Stan and his staff, is one of warmth, kindness, respect and understanding. I thank everyone at POA for truly changing my life and allowing me to be capable of anything I wish to do in life. I wish that all amputees would make the life changing appointment to see Stan and his staff at POA.”

Mark lives in Deltona, Florida, enjoying life to the fullest with his wife and three daughters.



Here is a video Mark made during fitting process for the  TaiLor Made prosthetic foot he beta tested in 2014 and continues to enjoy. https://www.facebook.com/mark.daignault.7/videos/798261600213097/
