Above Knee Amputee Colin Cook Competing in 2016 Stance ISA World Surfing Championship

In  October 2015, POA client Colin Cook lost his leg above the knee to a shark while surfing in Hawaii. All goals have obstacles to overcome. We all have things standing in our way. They can often seem insurmountable, but with enough perseverance we can usually get around them. Over the past year, Colin has put a tremendous amount of effort into his rehab and it has really paid off. This

Athlete Getting Ready for Paralympics

POA Athletes Getting Ready for the Paralympics!

POA clients Scout Bassett (AK amputee), April Holmes (BK amputee) and Regas Woods (bilateral AK amputee) are getting ready to fly! Scout was in town last week for a prosthetic tune-up, Regas will be in this week, and April, who lives in the area, is training hard! We can’t wait to see the results of all their hard work when they represent Team USA at the Paralympic Games in Rio!