POA Patient Spotlight – Hanna O’Brien

16-year-old Hanna O’Brien is a confident, caring and intensely spiritual young lady. People of all ages and backgrounds are drawn to her sweet nature and nurturing personality. Born with congenital limb difference, Hanna’s left leg extends just 3 inches below the knee-cap. Her right hand has only a thumb and her left hand has nubs where her index and middle fingers would be. Her parents believed from the beginning that

Celebrity Visitors at POA!, 10/17/2012

A couple of celebrities stopped by our facility yesterday—POA patient and former Professional Wrestler Steve “the freak” Chamberland and WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart, who managed over 75 wrestling superstars in his career! Steve is the founder of “50 Legs,” a non-profit foundation which provides assistance to amputee children. We are fitting the foundation’s newest recipient with a running leg next week. www.50legs.org

POA’s Zoe Gibbs in the News!, “Teenager Returns to Volleyball Court with Prosthetic Leg,” 10/8/2012

Zoe was in the news again!  This time, “The Ledger,” a Polk County Florida newspaper, featured her in an article about her return to Volleyball.  Zoe lost her leg in 2011 after a jet-ski accident.  Since then she has overcome many obstacles, including several surgeries and infections.  Now Zoe is focusing on the future, and doing all the things a normal 16-year-old girl does – like driving on car!   🙂  

POA video Patient Profile on Laura Ortiz, BK Amputee, 6/28/2012

Amputee * Triathlete * Warrior — Laura Ortiz of Miami, Florida is all these things and more. She is an example of how the power of determination and persistence can help you triumph over the difficulties life can throw at you. Whether you are a new amputee learning to walk with your prosthesis, or setting your sights on running or participating in the sport of triathlon, Laura’s spirit and personal

Mabio tries out an anti-gravity treadmill, 6/21/12

During a visit to a re-hab facility yesterday, Mabio, a POA employee and below knee amputee, was given an opportunity to try running on a Zero Gravity treadmill which had just been delivered to the facility. It was originally designed by NASA to help astronauts train for zero gravity conditions. Mabio said it felt like he was “running in water or air” -it was effortless. This technology is now being