See POA client, Leo Morales (Hip Disarticulate) in “The Current,” Now Available On-Line!

“The Current” is now available to watch on-line! Sending a shout out to POA’s Leo Morales who appears in the movie!! #POAProud #NoBoundaries   The New York Times writes – “8 P.M. (EPIX) THE CURRENT (2014) The surfer Bethany Hamilton, who was 13 when she lost an arm in a shark attack; the Olympic swimmer Missy Franklin; and the wrestler Anthony Robles are featured in this documentary, directed by Kurt Miller,

Brett Bolton (hip disarticulate amputee) places 2nd in Gymnastics Competition

6-year-old Brett Bolton, born without a leg, has come a long way since he was adopted from an orphanage in China 4 years ago. Not only is his running, walking, and keeping up with other kids his age, Brett also excels at gymnastics.  He recently competed in a competition with able-bodied kids and took 2nd place in floor exercises!  View this video to see his winning performance —>Brett at Gymnastics

POA’s Josh Olson, Hip Disarticulate Amputee, will represent U.S. in Paralympics, 8/13/2012

POA’s Josh Olson, a hip disarticulate amputee, is representing Team USA in shooting at the Paralympic Games. Josh is the first ever active duty service member to be nominated to the Team.  POA’s NPS hip disarticulate prosthetic system, also known as “the Olson socket,” was developed for Josh by Stan Patterson in response to a request from Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital. The following video link shows Josh preparing for

The Genium Knee fit on Hip-Disarticulate Amputee

We fit Dan Gade, a hip-disarticulate amputee with the Otto Bock Genium Bionic Knee System this past week.  He didn’t think it would live up to it’s hype, but decided to try it anyway.  He’s glad he did.  Before he left our office to return to his position at West Point Academy, he played a round of golf with Stan.  Hip Disarticulate Playing Golf using Genium bionic knee