Dana, Hip Disarticulate: Amazing Story of Survival and Perseverance

This is the story of a true warrior! Dana had been a runner all her life, until a series of events beginning in 2002 led to the amputation of her leg through the hip joint in 2014. Surgery for a stress fracture was unsuccessful and was followed by a knee replacement in 2006. Still in pain and fighting recurrent infections, Dana underwent a second knee replacement a year after that,

Brett Bolton (hip disarticulate amputee) places 2nd in Gymnastics Competition

6-year-old Brett Bolton, born without a leg, has come a long way since he was adopted from an orphanage in China 4 years ago. Not only is his running, walking, and keeping up with other kids his age, Brett also excels at gymnastics.  He recently competed in a competition with able-bodied kids and took 2nd place in floor exercises!  View this video to see his winning performance —>Brett at Gymnastics

Leo Morales, Hip Disarticulate, attempting to break Guiness World Record, proving once again that disability is a state of mind, 10/3/2012

Next month, POA’s Leo Morales of Cancun, Mexico will be attempting to break a Guiness World diving Record by descending 122 meters into the ocean! Leo tells us he is keeping a promise he made to himself and Stan several years ago, “to use his life to inspire others and prove that amputees can still do amazing things.” Leo’s leg was amputated at the hip in 2008 after he was

An RPG took Josh Olson’s leg, but not his Spirit,” Washington Post, 8/21/2012

As the start of the 2012 Paralympic Games approaches, many of the athletes have been spotlighted by the media. One such athlete is Josh Olson, an Army Sharpshooter and the first active duty soldier to compete in the Paralympics. We are proud and blessed to know Josh, and forever grateful to him and all our service men and women for the sacrifices they make for our safety and freedom. “An

Another one of our heros – Dan Gade – rode in GW Bush Warrior 100K, 4/28/2012

Here’s another one of our heros! – Dan Gade. He became a hip disartic amputee in 2005 due to severe injuries he incurred while serving as a company commander in Iraq. Dan is now an instructor at West Point, teaching political science and public policy. To read more about Dan and check out some great videos of him walking on with his prosthetic leg, click here –> Dan Gade Living