Hulk Hogan & Rebekah Gregory At POA

When Hulk Hogan was at POA a few weeks ago with 50 to check up on a little girl he had sponsored for a prosthetic leg, he also sat down with Rebekah Gregory who happened to be in town for a prosthetic fitting. They discussed how the Boston Bombing had impacted Rebekah and her son, and what eventually led her to establish Rebekah’s Angels Foundation, a non-profit created to

POA’s New Prosthetic Socket Design for Hip Disarticulate & Hemi Pelvectomy Amputees

We’re excited to share with you a new hip disarticulate socket system we are testing! The silicone liner is incorporated into the socket, next to the skin, eliminating the need for silicone shorts. Leo (hip disarculate) and Angelina (hemi pelvectomy) say they feel very secure and comfortable in the socket, and can put it on in less than a minute! So far, the feedback has been very positive, and if

Jaelyn’s 1st Prosthetic Leg – She’s On Her Way!

Jaelyn’s prosthetic journey has begun, and it was so awesome that she had the encouragement and support of the new friends/peers she met at POA throughout the week! Born with a rare bone disorder, Jaelyn has spent most of her life undergoing procedures to improve the function of her leg, including limbing lengthening. With a prosthetic leg, Jaelyn was able to walk without a walker for the first time in

Dana, Hip Disarticulate: Amazing Story of Survival and Perseverance

This is the story of a true warrior! Dana had been a runner all her life, until a series of events beginning in 2002 led to the amputation of her leg through the hip joint in 2014. Surgery for a stress fracture was unsuccessful and was followed by a knee replacement in 2006. Still in pain and fighting recurrent infections, Dana underwent a second knee replacement a year after that,