Z Flies! Her Amphibian Air Adventure

POA’s “Z” (bilateral above knee amputee) shared the following video link and message: “Special thanks to everyone at POA–especially Stan Patterson–for giving me my ‘wings!’ Without sockets which fit comfortably and securely I would not have been able to experience this great adventure, as well as many other things able-bodied people take for granted. With a strong spirit and great team, all things are possible!” Z Flies

Steve Chamberland/50Legs.org Helps Amputee Children

Steve Chamberland of 50Legs.org teamed with POA to provide some of the funding for prosthetic care of these 5 lovely little ladies! 50Legs.org is a non-profit organization which Steve, a former pro wrestler and below-knee amputee, established to provide funding for prosthetic care for children in need.  You can read more about Steve and his wonderful organization by visiting 50Legs.org (website) or the 50Legs Facebook page.

A heartfelt message for the people who suffered limb loss as a result of the terrorist bombing at the Boston Marathon

An editorial by Karen Hughes, Web/Social Media at POA YOU ARE NOT ALONE My heart goes out to you. I lost my leg above the knee to cancer when I was just 13 years old, and have known the fear and despair you must feeling as you look down at your missing limb(s) and think, “what kind of life am I going to have now?”  If I could, I’d visit

JR, Bilateral Above Knee Amputee

JR, a bi-lateral above knee amputee who traveled to Orlando from Guam,  is a true example of what can be accomplished with a lot of hard work and determination.  The following video shows JR in various stages of gait, strength, and exercise training.  He also learned how to climb up and down stairs and walk smoothly and with confidence on inclines and uneven terrain.   JR’s Formula for Success