Z Flies! Her Amphibian Air Adventure

POA’s “Z” (bilateral above knee amputee) shared the following video link and message: “Special thanks to everyone at POA–especially Stan Patterson–for giving me my ‘wings!’ Without sockets which fit comfortably and securely I would not have been able to experience this great adventure, as well as many other things able-bodied people take for granted. With a strong spirit and great team, all things are possible!” Z Flies

Brett Bolton (hip disarticulate amputee) places 2nd in Gymnastics Competition

6-year-old Brett Bolton, born without a leg, has come a long way since he was adopted from an orphanage in China 4 years ago. Not only is his running, walking, and keeping up with other kids his age, Brett also excels at gymnastics.  He recently competed in a competition with able-bodied kids and took 2nd place in floor exercises!  View this video to see his winning performance —>Brett at Gymnastics