Double Amputee Standing And Saluting

POA Client Double Amputee Special Operations Hero Brian Mast Announces Run for U.S. Congress  #MastForCongress

POA client Brian Mast, a bilateral amputee Special Forces Hero has announced that he is running for a seat in the U.S. Congress! We are proud to support Brian in this noble endeavor. Please check out his campaign site for more info and prepare to be inspired! ‪#‎NoBoundaries‬ #MastForCongress   Please share! Brian is a true hero and would make a great Congressman!

Smiling Youth Boys With Prosthetic Legs

POA Kids Defy Disability!  #BeautifulAsYouFeel

There’s nothing better than seeing our POA kids get up and running….and having fun!  Last week was a great one at POA, helping kids with all levels of amputation get moving!  It didn’t matter what their level of amputation or how many limbs they were missing (single, bilateral, and quadruple amputees), they worked hard and played hard – together.  One of the boys’ mom told us that he is frequently

Hip Disarticulation Amputee With Prosthetic Leg

Alex, Hip-Disarticulate Amputee, has a Near-Perfect Gait!

Alex became a hip-disarticulate amputee after a horrific workplace accident. When he arrived at POA a few weeks ago he was getting around as best he could using a prosthesis that was outdated and limited his mobility. We fit him with a NPS vacuum assisted socket system and a C-Leg microprocessor knee, and soon he was walking with confidence–and a near-perfect gait! Today he flew home to Mexico, eager to

Armed Service Member Receiving Medal

POA Client Brian Mast (double AK amputee) is Serving Our Country Once Again 

POA client St.-Sgt. Brian Mast was a member of the US Army’s elite Joint Special Operations Command, serving as an explosive ordnance disposal operator in 2010, when he lost his legs to a bomb blast. Brian is currently in Israel on a mission trip; the following WPTV West Palm Beach News interview was filmed before he left. For this and more articles on Brian, visit the News and Resource section