Dave Klar, AK Amputee: Exploring and Conquering New Heights

When Dave Klar lost his leg above the knee in August 2014, he feared that he had lost everything. Dave was working as an apprentice electrician at the time of the accident, and was unable to return to the job. He was also passionate about the outdoors, and heavily involved in BMX biking. The thought of losing the ability to participate in the things he loved was devastating. Depressed, broke

POA client Katie Eddington, AK amputee – Making Great Strides! #CNN #WKYT TV

7-year-old POA Orlando client Katie Eddington made the news twice this week; first in her home state of Kentucky and then on CNN national news! This pint-size dynamo made the decision to amputate her leg last December, and has never looked back! During her most recent visit to POA we fit her with a running prosthesis with a special blade, and now Katie is training to run a 5K. Run like the

Athlete with Prosthetic Leg On Starting Blocks

POA Client Richard Browne, Jr., Headed to 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio De Janeiro

Richard Browne won 2 Gold medals and 1 silver at the 2015 IPC Athletics World Championships held in Doha, Qatar, setting world records in two events.  We are excited to be part of Richard’s team, and look forward to getting him ready for the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio!   Read more about Richard, who became a below knee amputee in 2010, and his triumph over tragedy in the Client Stories

Prosthetic Running Blade

POA’s Scout Bassett – AK amputee and Team USA Paralympic Athlete Takes Her Running to New Level

 Click following link for video: Scout Bassett, Taking Her Game to a New Level Scout tried out her new sprinting leg set-up for the first time at a local track. Learning how to run with a knee is a whole different technique, and although it's going to take some time to master, she's off to an amazing start! #NoFear #RoadToRio #WhateverItTakes Posted by Prosthetic & Orthotic Associates (POA) on Monday,