Smiling Youth Boys With Prosthetic Legs

POA Kids Defy Disability!  #BeautifulAsYouFeel

There’s nothing better than seeing our POA kids get up and running….and having fun!  Last week was a great one at POA, helping kids with all levels of amputation get moving!  It didn’t matter what their level of amputation or how many limbs they were missing (single, bilateral, and quadruple amputees), they worked hard and played hard – together.  One of the boys’ mom told us that he is frequently

Ireland Nugent takes her first steps on her prosthetic legs at POA! Our photos and WESH News Video/Article, 6/17/2013

There was not a dry eye in the house as Ireland took her first steps on her new prosthetic legs.  The first thing she asked Stan was, “I’m going to take my legs home?” ♥ How could he say no? Ireland left wearing the check sockets which were generously decorated with Dora the Explorer stickers (Stan’s great idea!!!). Tomorrow she will receive her laminated sockets; one with a Dora design