After we delivered Princess Rocio’s new prosthetic leg, she visited the Magic Kingdom at Disney World before returning to Chile. Rocio is so happy with her new leg –no more suspension belt– yay!!!!

Rocio and her family traveled to POA from Chile after they were put in touch with us by Micaela’s mom, Claudia, who lives in Peru. Claudia had posted some photos of 4 year old Micaela dancing in a ballet class with her new prosthesis on our Facebook page, and Rocio’s mom reached out to her. Although the two women had never met, they felt an instant connection, as both of their young daughters were born with missing limbs. Rocio was having issues with an awkward and ill-fitting prosthesis, held on by a belt. Claudia explained that Micaela once wore the same type of prosthesis, and urged her to contact us to see what we might be able to do for Rocio. Soon after, Rocio and her parents traveled to POA and we fit her with a beautiful new socket, knee and foot. Now Rocio is ready to return home and do all the things other little girls her age do, and number one on her list is dance class! #noboundaries


Rocio from Chile